Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Wake's First Bath in his own tub...

May 1st was a day of firsts. Wake lost his umbilical cord, got his first bath and went out with mommy on a few errands for the first time without daddy. Wake is an amazing little boy and we are loving every minute with him. I would have to say that his daddy has been the most amazing daddy ever!!! He changes diapers, tries to console Wake when he cries and wants to be such a big part in taking care of him. I couldn't have asked for a better father for my children. As you can see in the pictures below, Shawn gave Wake his first bath in his tub and I think Shawn enjoyed it more than Wake did. Shawn also loves to dress Wake and I must say he does a wonderful job. Shawn has recently gone back to work and that has been really hard for me to deal with. I enjoyed spending so much time with him and having his help, but I guess I have to get used to him not being home so much. He had a really hard time going back to work but can't wait to get home at the end of the day. As for me and Wake, we are doing well and learning each other. I must say that he is training me rather than me training him.

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