Saturday, November 1, 2008

We have been busy!!!

We are finally glad to be back and have some time ahead of us without so much planned. We just got back from Hickory, NC. We had so much fun and enjoyed seeing family and friends. We had beautiful weather that was on the tad bit cold side. But coming from Florida, it was a nice change. The colors were awesome and we had such a great time. We were able to visit with Shawn's Aunt Sandy and Uncle Bennett along with his brother and sister-in-law. I also got to see some friends along with a special little girl in my life, Cami. We had a blast and I have posted some pictures below...

As you can see I look very prego in the picture above. I have started to pop out and it is really weird. I am officially out of my clothes and in maternity clothes. Although, some are still a little big at times. I am ready to look pregnant rather than fat!!! I heard the heart beat again and we are scheduled to find out the sex at the end of November. We can NOT wait! I am doing better as I have more energy and don't get as sick as often.

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