Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wake Riley McKendrick

He has finally arrived! Wake Riley McKendrick was born on April 17, 2009 at 10:05 pm. He weighed 8lbs 8ozs and was 21 inches long. My labor was long and tiring but he eventually came. He is healthy and doing well. I must say that I think he is the most adorable thing ever! I can't be more excited and overwhelmed with LOVE. We are blessed to have so many friends and family that care and have been absolutely amazing throughout this whole process. I will keep the pictures coming as we get them. I will be getting more pictures from other people and will post them as I only have a few that were taken with my camera.

Wake with Dr. Bing

Meeting him for the first time. (I was a little emotional)

Too precious

After his first bath at the hospital. Him sporting his mohawk!!!

Car ride home from the hospital

1 comment:

Wilson Photography said...

Congratulations you two! He is beautiful! :) Best Wishes!!

~Jess & Mike