We tried feeding Wake rice cereal for the first time the other day. He was not having it! We have put it in his bottle at times but I wanted to try it by spoon now that he is 4 months old. Well, needless to say, he held it in his mouth and cried looking at me with this look like, "what am I supposed to do with this?". I guess we will try again soon!
Wake just had his 4 month old check up the other week. He weighed in at 16 lbs 10 ozs. He is a BIG boy! He got his shots and did so good. He had stopped crying before we even left the room. We were so proud of him. He is also doing very well in day care. I think he really likes it. He is on a good routine and sleeping well throughout the night. He has stared drooling a LOT so I am thinking that my might be teething. No teeth have come through yet, but I think we are close.
Wake has also started to roll over. Now that he has started, he doesn't stop. Every time we lay him down in his Einstein gym, he rolls over to his belly. I am such a proud mommy! Before you know it he will be crawling...Yikes!!! He has also started to laugh. It is the cutest sound ever!