Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Wake's First Photo Session

Yes, notice I said his "first" photo session, because you all know he will be one of the most photographed babies out there. Thanks to my best friend Jenny (Jennifer Ring Photography). She has outdone herself once again. She took the most unbelievable pictures of our little boy that I must share them with you all! They were taken when he was 7 days old! These are some of my favorites...I hope you enjoy them!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

April 17, 2009

Here are some pictures that my best friend, Jenny, took from the day Wake was born. They mean so much to me to look back on and see how special that day was. I can't explain how happy we are and how our family seems even more complete. We enjoy every day with our little guy and look foward to waking up to him no matter what time of the day it is. We are so very blessed! We were also able to share our special day with friends and family.

Proud Parents...we are so in love!

Daddy and son

Mommy and son

Look at that lip! How precious!

Proud Gramma!

Proud Grampa!

Aunt T

Uncle Donnie and Aunt Danielle

Aunt Jenny

Thursday, April 23, 2009

First days at home!

Me and my little man! He is the most precious thing ever. Little did I know that I could love something so much! This was taken when he was 5 days old. We were on our way to his first doctors appointment. He is doing well but is still losing weight. We go back on friday to reweigh him to make sure he starts gaining weight. He is such a good baby and I can't stop staring at him. I love to look at him and watch his every movement and facial expression. He seems to change every day.

He found his thumb! How adorable is this?

Daddy reading Wake his first story...Curious George and the Fire Fighters. Aren't they adorable together?

Wake sleeping on his daddy. Daddy loves every minute of it!

His first bath at home. I just love this picture!

He did not like it so much if you can't tell. He hates to have his diaper changed and does not like bath time either.

He is starting to like his little bouncer. It has taken some getting used to as he did not like it at first.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Wake Riley McKendrick

He has finally arrived! Wake Riley McKendrick was born on April 17, 2009 at 10:05 pm. He weighed 8lbs 8ozs and was 21 inches long. My labor was long and tiring but he eventually came. He is healthy and doing well. I must say that I think he is the most adorable thing ever! I can't be more excited and overwhelmed with LOVE. We are blessed to have so many friends and family that care and have been absolutely amazing throughout this whole process. I will keep the pictures coming as we get them. I will be getting more pictures from other people and will post them as I only have a few that were taken with my camera.

Wake with Dr. Bing

Meeting him for the first time. (I was a little emotional)

Too precious

After his first bath at the hospital. Him sporting his mohawk!!!

Car ride home from the hospital

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Its Official!

So we have a date for the induction.....Friday, April 17th! I go in on Thursday at 5:30pm to get the pg gel to start thinning my cervix out. I will then go home after two hours as long as all goes well. I then go back in on Friday at 7:30 am to start the induction. I would have to say that I can NOT wait. Shawn and I are so excited to for this next step in our lives and are getting very impatient. I am starting to get nervous for the first time. We are getting ready to venture into a world of the unexpected and we struggle with feeling like we have no control. Yet, we do have control, we just don't know what it will be like as we are going to both be experiencing something that we have never experienced before. The thought of being responsible of another human being and shaping him into a person and instilling morals and values in him is scary but exciting at the same time. I just know that we will be great parents and will have the most amazing son ever! I pray that everything goes well with the birth and that I stay strong. Hopefully the next time I write, I will be a proud mommy to a newborn baby boy!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

He's going to be a BIG boy!

So we went to the doctor this week for my 38 week check-up. They had us do an ultrasound to get some estimated measurments because I was measuring a little big at the previous appointment. He is currently estimating at 8 lbs 4 oz and I'm only 38 weeks. Yikes! They could be off as much as 1lb (either way). So we discussed the option of inducing for the fear that if we wait much longer he might get too big. So she checked me and I was close to 2 cm dilated and 60 to 70% effaced and he has dropped. That means that I am definitely inducable and ready to go. Unfortunatley with the holiday we were not able to schedule it yet. They are going to call me Monday morning so we can schedule it this coming week. We discussed the issue of an induction possibly leading to a c-section, but on the flip side, if we wait he could get so big that it may lead to a c-section anyways. Therefore, we plan to schedule the induction and get the little guy here! We are so excited we can't wait.

We just went to Babies R Us and bought all the last few things that were still on our registry. I have cleaned house all day and washed a ton of his things. I guess the nesting has kicked in as I want the house all in order before he gets here. I must say that I don't think he can get here quick enough. I am more than ready for his arrival. I will be going to work for part of the week to finish things up and then I'm off for 12 weeks! Woo Hoo!!!

I will post again when I find out when I'll be induced...unless I go into labor all on my own. Cross your fingers!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Baby Shower #2

I must say that I work with some really awesome people. My boss, Emma, threw me a baby shower and I totally didn't expect it. I think she went way out of her way and I had some really awesome coworkers show up to make it really special for me! We had a great time and I just wanted to share it with everyone. I still haven't posted many pictures from my first baby shower as I have not gotten them yet, but I will get them up as soon as I get them!

Chrissy (also due the end of June) and Emma

All of my awesome coworkers! (and a few of their kids)

One of the games: "how big am I around?"

some awesome gifts: my boppy

diapers, wipes and a bottle sterilizer

My high chair!